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Events 2021

Conference "The Revolution in the Acheloos-Valtos Valley & Revolution: Looking at Dounista"

Forum of Local History in the small mountain village of Stathas, formerly called Dounista but renamed in honor of the revolutionary and creator of the first flag with a white cross on a blue background, which was the inspiration for the creation of the official flag of the Greek state. The honored person is the Mayor of Distomo - Arachova - Antikyra, Giannis Stathas, a descendant of the family of the Valtin armatolos Stathas, whom the organizers and the Mayor of Amfilochia accompanied to the motherland of the Stathas in Stathas and Empesos.

The event was greeted by: Amalia Voulgari Assistant Governor for Social Policy and inequality-member of the PDE committee for 200 years, Georgios Katsoulas Mayor of Amfilochia, Mayor of Ditomou-Arakhis Stathis Ch Anthas .

PLACE: Empesos and Stathas of Etoloakarnania

TIME: 02/09/2021



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